10 April 2009

Not Bad for a Person With Bilateral Greater Trochanteric Bursitis

And bilateral hip abductor tendinopathy. Don't forget the bilateral hip abductor tendinopathy--although it's the bilateral greater trochanteric bursitis that's probably causing me more pain, although not so much this past week.

Yeah, Gentle Reader, that's what I'm babbling about. Despite my leg issues and orders to stop running for a while, I still managed to hit another running milestone. Truth be told, I took only one day off--a two-mile Tuesday, the day I had the MRI and the doctor's appointment that started all this--but did cut back the rest of the time.

Given the experience thus far, I doubt I'll be doing any weekly Monday Half-Marathons again. Maybe once a month. I'm hoping I'll be able to do 10 or 11 miles each running day once again, but first I'll have to regain some speed. I'm hoping that'll happen with rehab.


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