27 May 2008

Transitioning to Being an Unemployed Blogger

This morning I resumed my "normal" routine now that the Memorial Day weekend has passed, which means I got up at the crack of dawn to busy myself with various tasks just so I can feel useful as I make this latest transition from wage earner to employment seeker. After some time in the kitchen, I sat down, popped "freelance writing jobs" into Google and what does it spit out? A helpful site titled Freelance Writing Jobs.

One of the articles/posts discusses why freelancers should have blogs, and I read it with great skepticism. I'd rather be too busy writing for other people and making money than writing largely for myself and not be making any money. But who am I to stand against the tide of this thing called blogging? So what if I was burned in a very bad way by my first attempt waaaay back!

Don't get me wrong: I don't have grand dreams of being the next hit blogger. But what does it hurt to take a few minutes (yeah, right--not for verbose 'ol me) to jot down some thoughts? I've got a lot going on in my life to write about. Why be scared of making it public?

So here it is.

(Plus I liked the article about that fabulous phrase "So what?" and thought I could potentially give this blogging thing a shot. I know most of what I put here will deserve a big "So what?" -- but I'll try.)


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