05 November 2008

A Thrill Last Night, a Thrill This Morning

No, not that kind of thrill, Gentle Reader.

This kind of thrill.

If you can't tell what you're looking at, Gentle Reader, let me sum it up. I hit 400 miles today. I've run 400+ miles since the end of July. Sweet....

I once said I run a lot. Despite my lungs being hobbled for most of October, I still was able to run a lot last month. Woohoo!

Since I seem to enjoy this running thing, I'll be taking off Friday to head up to Bumblefuck for my celebratory run to mark my one-year anniversary. I'll admit I have mixed feelings about it. While I'm looking forward to, for the first time ever, starting at one place and finishing at another place--not running in place on a treadmill or running some loop to finish back where I started--I'm a bit concerned about my lungs. They seem finally to be clearing up (at least I'm not hacking up the copious amounts of grey-green, solid ick after huffing on my rescue inhaler the way I was when I first started on it), but the weather in Okiemolah is...well, I'm not for sure how it's going to be and, since it is Okiemolah, I'm really just going to have to wait and see. Gary England can only tell me so much.

But, hey, I'm cooking a date night for the 'rents, and I'm really looking forward to that. I've got Chive the Dutchie, my trusty chef's knife and a gaggle of ingredients packed (because you can't find jack in Bumblefuck or points close to), and I've made up a list of foods the boys can eat while I'm gone (although the husband has contemplated revisiting the deep-dish pizza, and he has my full blessing to do so--so long as he cleans up afterwards). Yeah, I'm looking forward to the trip, Gentle Reader. Wanna make something of it?


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