08 April 2009

I Should Probably Get the Boy's Vision Checked

The boy is a budding artist, and I'm totally cool with that. Since his love of drawing has emerged when he was about 2 1/2 years old, I've always wondered if his artist talent is a nature thing--perhaps someone or someones in his birth family are painters or drawers or sculptors or something--or a nurture thing since the husband is quite talented in the area of graphic arts. I'll probably never know that answer, but it's fun to contemplate it from time to time.

But I digress. This morning I called my email from the ISP's server onto my local system and saw a notice that another one of the boy's art projects has been added to Artsonia. Seeing his work online is kind of a kick, so I hastily clicked the link to see the new piece.

This one's a self-portrait. Allegedly.

I realize that public schools--particularly their art programs--don't get a lot of funding. I realize too that there's only so much a young, budding artist can do with crayons and construction paper. But couldn't the boy at least have been given a mirror to reference his own face while creating this work? You'll have to trust me on this, Gentle Reader, when I say that my son doesn't look like Tony Shaloub.

Man, I knew letting him watch Monk while we ate supper would somehow come back to bite me in the ass....


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