13 October 2009


Fortunately, this homecoming has nothing whatsoever to do with getting mummed.

She looks thrilled to have been mummed, don't she?

No, this homecoming did not involve spending an ungodly amount of money on a tacky collection of cheap ribbon, silk floral, plastic gee-gaws, glitter and a hell of a lot of hot glue. The cost involved was very minor, and it came as quite a surprise on a chilly morning.
Look who made their way home!

If you're having a hard time discerning what's in that photograph--which would not be surprising, given that photographing anything through our filthy kitchen doors is impossible, especially at the butt-crack of dawn--shown above, the gray blurs are, respectively, Keeko (aka Tweedle Dee), Momma and Rory Calhoun (aka Tweedle Do).

That's right, Gentle Reader. Two of Momma's three kittens have found their way home after she took pains, I'm sure, to lead them away to new homes where they could freeload off another fam--er, I mean, fend for themselves. No sign of Calli, but that's not surprising. The Tweedle twins were the ones who stuck to Momma like glue, and since I believe they're both boys, it kind of makes sense that they'd find their way back to the place where they could always count on a meal.

Gads, I'm such a sap for cats. Because you know already, Gentle Reader, that I gushed with joy when I spied them out the window. And I rushed to put out more food for them--because Momma was not happy that some of her brood were back and now threatening to diminish the booty she guilts out of me every morning and every evening.

With the weather turning cooler and damp, it is nice to have a reminder of the warmer (not the blazing hot) days of the summer that just passed. Plus it's nice to see the kids all grown up, although they do still have a lot of their kitteny skittishness and catlet independence streak. I do wonder if Momma will try to ditch--er, lead them away again to new homes, or will she just hiss and spit and spat at 'em until they get the hint and go away.

Ehh, they're male. They won't get the hint.


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