04 February 2009

The Making of Artoo, Day Two

The Making of a Masterpiece, Day Two

Okay, Gentle Reader, the finished cake's not that great, but I have to admit that I surprised myself by how well it turned out.

And I did in about half the time I estimated--just about 3 hours, excluding breaks to pick up the boy, use the facilities, shoo Bucket off the oven, find a missing mousie for Bucket, feed Parmer and just take a breather.

Nevertheless, I've been on my feet practically nonstop since about...well, practically since I got my arse out of bed at 5:30 this morning. Which means I'm tired. Damn tired. Too tired to write much about doing the cake. So instead, I present you with a slideshow of my work. Enjoy!

If you're perhaps wondering if I've done all this work in vain, Gentle Reader, I will say that the boy did give me a hug shortly before I finished the cake. Of course, that was about half an hour after I'd snarled at him that he'd better be grateful for the R2-D2 cake I'm making him for this birthday when he started rambling on and on about how for his next birthday, he wanted an R2-D2 cake made just like the one I made for Daddy years ago.

Speaking of that first Artoo masterpiece, I was wrong when I wrote that I'd made it in 2000. I actually made in 2001. I turned 25 in 2000; the husband turned 25 in 2001. If I can ever get the damn thing uploaded to YouTube, I plan to share with you a commemorative video of that first Artoo cake that the husband put together back in the day. So, uh, stay tuned, Gentle Reader!

YouTube had actually uploaded the video each time I tried even though it kept spitting out an error message. Grrr. Oh well, here's the promised video. Enjoy!


Melissa February 5, 2009 at 11:51 PM  

Nice cake! Good call on going for the "real" cake. It is a special day after all! Hope you got the message that I left. Tell the kiddo happy birthday again from Auntie Lis and Uncle Phil!

Sarah Naseem Walker February 6, 2009 at 6:37 AM  

Thanks! I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed decorating the thing after I got over my initial near-paralyzing fear that I was going to screw the thing up! And, yeah, following Betty's recipe was a good idea. Ahh well, sometimes you can futz and win, and sometimes ya just can't.

I feel so awful because I accidentally deleted your message! I had three on the machine when I got home, and I was trying to get rid of the two from my parents and hit the Delete button one too many times. I'm very sorry!

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