26 December 2008

And That's a Wrap!

Woohoo! It's over! It's done and gone! Hooray! Bring on the January white sales!

Am I that crass? Perhaps. But it's nice to reflect on the big day and recall those moments when you really, really remember what the holidays are all about. Take a look at these mugs and tell me if you don't see a little bit of joy there.

As a kindness to you, Gentle Reader, I'm not going to give you a blow-by-blow rundown of the final three days of Pancha Ganapati here at Chez Boeckman-Walker. Do know that on the 23rd, the boy (with a lot of help from his old mum) built and decorated a gingerbread holiday tree. On the evening of the 24th, the three human residents headed to Indian Palace for an entirely too fabulous meal, then zipped down Mopac to go spin (and try not to hurl) under the Zilker Park tree.*

Bright and early on the 25th (we had to hang a sign in the boy's room reminding him he was not to leave it until 7 AM--and he by and large complied, so there's you a Christmas miracle, Charlie Brown), we gave Ganesh his final offering, draped him in his final stole, had some breakfast then enjoyed the wonderful gifts our families had sent us. In the afternoon, we took our annual death march around Town Lake Lady Bird Lake as the sun finally showed itself, then we came home to kickbox before whipping up a batch of our favorite Canadian curry. Yum!

All in all, our holiday was quite fun. Hope yours was the same!

*Now that we've spun under the Zilker Park tree and ran in a fun run, we can at last call ourselves true Austinoids. Umm, hooray?


Melissa December 26, 2008 at 3:33 PM  

Looks like the boy got spoiled rotten! As he should be....okay, well not the rotten part. Looks like a fun day! Ours was low key. Phil had to work part of the day, then we just had a couple of our friends over for dinner. I made calzones....not exactly traditional! But then nothing about the holiday here was very "normal". I lived vicariously through your beautiful tree and gingerbread creations!

Sarah Naseem Walker December 26, 2008 at 6:17 PM  

Phil had to work?!? Ahh man, that sucks!

Perhaps I could send you the gingerbread house or tree. Goodness knows the icing is so damn hard that they'd survive the ship to Israel!

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