18 September 2009

Scurvy Optional

That's right, Gentle Reader. It's that time again!

Can you believe it's been a year already? You do have your costume and peg leg ready, right? If not, there's no need yet to walk the plank. You surely can plunder the booty of your closet and dresser for something suitable. Or go crazy with the craft supplies. Of course, you need to get more creative then this:

In my opinion, the Dread Pirate Roberts strikes a good fashion note with a look that can be easily emulated.

If you don't have enough black in your wardrobe--well, for starters, for shame, Gentle Reader! Also, you can always cop out, run down to Long John Silver's and pick up one of the flimsy pirate hats the restaurants (a term I use loosely, just like your stools after you eat there) hand out.
These hats come in handy too for hiding your baby's massive, pasty, egg-shaped head. (And how typical that my elder sister forced me to be her first mate even back then. Le sigh.)

If you just want to talk the talk but not walk the walk, check out the official Web site for all things Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Arrr, since I have to teach tomorrow, I wonder what kind of asanas pirates would do. Navasana (boat pose) for sure.

Methinks the wench needs more cleavage to be a good pirate wench.


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