05 June 2008

Introducing Idlihead

Our feline family grew by four at some point in the preceding...four to six weeks, I'd estimate--all without our knowledge. "How?" you ask (probably not, since no one's reading this thing). Well, Yowling Gray Skittery Cat, who started showing up at Brother's bowl around 9 PM (to drive Bucket crazy) and to yowl at the northeast-ish corner of the house at 6 AM (to drive me crazy), was apparently pregnant (as I'd suspected the last time I got a good look at her, which was difficult given how skittery she is). And has birthed her brood under our shed. Ahh, the miracle of secret births!

Anywho, I came home yesterday from the gym, glanced out the bedroom window on my way to the shower and--holy cow!--see some fuzzy-wuzzy widdle kitties romping and playing in the overgrown, dry grass in the backyard. Being the big sap that I am for fuzzy-wuzzy widdle kitties, I dashed to get the camera to record their presence for all who were absent at the time.

Here's a video of them for all to enjoy. So, uh, enjoy amateur video of kittens shot through a bedroom window. Yeah, high-quality entertainment....

Idlihead is the kitten with the white belly and legs. It reminds me of Muffinhead. Since Greg declared over the weekend that idli (a thick, steamed rice and lentil pancake from India that we dined on twice at Madras Pavillion over the weekend) was a great name for a cat (I swear, he has such a unique sense of appropriate names--and yet I'm the one who wanted to name the kid Spike), we decided to name the newcomer Idlihead.

We haven't decided on names yet for Idlihead's litter mates. Perhaps Spike can come up with something...unique once he gets a chance to see them. (Although I doubt he can top Nickelbucket, but ya never know.)


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