31 October 2008

Halloween Rocks!

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is the holiday here at Chez Boeckman-Walker, and I wanted my blog entry to reflect that. I mulled over a few ideas then realized I didn't have time to do any of them to my satisfaction. Sorry, Gentle Reader, but I've been busy trying to earn some money and trying to unclog my body.

Nevertheless, today is Halloween and I want to do something fun. So I present to you, Gentle Reader, a few fun Halloween memories.

Here's me and my older sister getting ready to head out for trick or treating in 1978. At least I'm pretty sure it's '78. I know it's not '79 because that was the year I was a cheerleader and LaDonna was Sylvester the cat, we'd just moved to Bumblefuck, but we returned to our former stomping grounds to go trick or treating in the old 'hood and to see the release of Sleeping Beauty (still one of my all-time favorite movies, thank you very much). I wound up getting hives that night, which made for an interesting movie-viewing experience.

Anywho, given how old I appear in that photo, I'm pretty sure this was from '78. Ain't I just the cutest little white kitty ever? This is the first Halloween I remember clearly. I remember Mum taking out her eye liner pencil to draw the whiskers on my face. I still have the kitty hood she made. Those white tights--long gone.

Now, flash forward 25 years....

Our first Halloween with the boy. Ain't he just the most adorable little monster!

The boy didn't just appear in one movie that Halloween. He found time for a sequel.

And the obligatory outtakes reel....

Happy Halloween, tout le monde! Stuff yerselves stupid with candy!


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