24 October 2008

My Kid the Artist

The boy loves to draw. He's been drawing since he had enough coordination to hold a marking implement. He started with amorphous shapes that were trains and progressed from there. Anakin and Obi-Wan engaged in light saber duels with General Grievous or Darth Maul or a buttload of battle droids and droidekas are a favorite theme of his. If you ever want, Gentle Reader, to wallpaper a room in drawings of Star Wars battles, let me know.

While chalk on pavement is frequently the boy's preferred medium, he also likes to whip out the crayons. He presented me with the following image the other day after an afterschool incident involving his mother, pigs in a blanket, a Gamorrean guard action figure and a tragic case of mistaken identity. (If you want the story, shoot me an email. It's only funny if you're 5 going on 6 or 32 going on 6.)

For comparison's sake, here's an image of some of the characters who appear in the boy's art:

Okay, so my kid is no Ralph McQuarrie, but give him time.

Besides, he's damn adorable, isn't he?


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