14 November 2009

Haven't Posted One of These in a While

Look at that. I've logged 2,500 miles of jogging with Nike+. And y'know what, Gentle Reader?

I'm not excited. I'm not thrilled by the accomplishment. I'm just...ambivalent.

Surprising, non? I used to love to share my running milestones. I'm not sure what's changed. Maybe it's that Nike's redesigned--poorly--the Nike+ site, making it less user-friendly.

Maybe it's that running has become commonplace. After all, it's been two years now. After two years of doing something, it becomes just another part of the routine.

Maybe it's that I no longer have the challenge of going faster and farther. Or, rather, maybe it's that I've had to limit myself if I want to keep doing this. I only run a little over an hour four days a week--enough to get in 8 miles each of those days--so that I can not only get done everything else I have to do in a typical day but also so that I don't get my right hip bursa all inflamed and irritated and achy again. Twice is enough, thank you very much.

Maybe it's that I've found a new challenge in cycling. In a few days, I'll get my new bike out of layaway, and I've been plotting what kind of rides I'll take on it to challenge myself. I've been seriously contemplating riding the whole of Loop 360 this coming spring. (Unless you're from Austin or have visited and know the hilly, curvy, kiddie roller coaster-ish ride Loop 360 is, you probably can't appreciate that challenge, Gentle Reader.)

That's not to say I have any plans to stop running, although I swear there have been days lately when I just don't want to get on the treadmill. But running does my body good, so I'll keep doing it. And I'll keep logging the miles--so long as my iPod and Nike+ chip let me.

Will I crow about my milestones? I dunno. I suppose when I can remember to check my total mileage on the crappy Nike+ site--but don't expect me to visit it that often.


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