27 November 2009

What I Didn't See at Target at 5 O'clock This Morning

Man, I so wish I'd had this toy as a kid. Maybe if I'd had it along with my dual-burner Fisher Price kitchen set I had when I was a wee one, maybe I'd have been a faudie long before now.

Sadly, this stove worked better than the one that came with our house.

But I don't even know where to score a teach-me-to-gut-a-fish toy. I found it in a HuffingtonPost.com slideshow of toys you shouldn't buy your kids, but the product's not identified. Personally, I don't have a problem with this toy. Such a thing could get a kid interested in the culinary arts or in fishing--and at the very least doesn't hide the fact that fish we eat comes from an animal that was once alive and that has to be cut just so for consumption. There's too little honesty in our daily food consumption, I think.

No, instead when I was at Target this morning at the butt-crack of dawn, I scored the penultimate 1 terabyte external hard drive the store had, along with the last two 4 GB USB key drives from the big early-bird door-buster sale. Oh, and I also scored a free reusable bag, even though I was probably in the 150s of the people waiting in line and the bags were, according to the sales flyer, for the first 100 people in line. Not that I'm complaining.

How was your Black Friday, Gentle Reader? Hit any big sales hours before dawn to do your part to contribute to our consumerist society, or were you too bloated from your Thanksgiving celebrations to move? Or are you like the human residents here at Chez Boeckman-Walker--not so much into any Thanksgiving "traditions"?

I think my elder sister is convinced I'm somehow depriving my son because the boy's never watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, even though that turkey hold a very special place in my heart.

Eh, screw tradition. Make up your own, I say!


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