18 July 2008

Coming Soon to a Browser Near You?

So on the day The Dark Knight hit theaters nationwide, I woke to find an intriguing email in my inbox:

Hi Angela,

Would you like to put your food blog onto it's own domain name?

You would continue blogging as usual, the only difference is that your new blog will have it's own domain name rather than being hosted on Orble.com. Other advantages include more search engine traffic and a larger readership. You can even keep writing on your current blogs as well, or transfer the posts (along with all the comments and votes) from one or more of your old blogs to your new one, it's up to you. Of course it's all free.

You may remember, Gentle Reader, that I started a second blog, Culinary Misadventures of a Faudie, over on Orble.com after seeing a posting seeking food bloggers for that site. Part of the proposition of that post was that bloggers who attract a fair number of readers might be offered a proprietary domain for their blog. And I guess my readership (which I admit is a rather paltry 5 or 6 average daily readers) was high enough to qualify me.

Of course, the ever-skeptical side of me wonders just how many of my IP rights I'd have to sign away if I were to agree to this free domain. So I asked the Orble rep several questions about that matter. We'll have to see what the answers are.

So, Gentle Reader, if you have been kind enough to visit Culinary Misadventures of a Faudie, I thank you very much for your readership and for contributing to success there. I'd be thrilled to continue sharing my misadventures with you on a proprietary domain, so stay tuned!


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