11 May 2009

Return of the Monday Half-marathon

On the day I was to have my follow-up with my sports doc about my achin' sartorius brought on by a wee bit of greater trochanteric bursitis--all brought on, mind you, by deviously overusing my right (and left) hip to run, run and run some more--I put in 13.7 miles while at the gym. Yes, I know what you're saying to yourself, Gentle Reader. Such a feat on my feet is not the brightest thing in the world to do, but...but I was ready to give it my all for those glorious 13.1 (and then some) miles.

And it's not like I'm returning to weekly half-marathons. I figure I'll do it once a month. And I'll make sure to be very kind to my body afterwards. Today, after I got home from biking down to the school to give the boy his midday allergy meds, I strapped on the 'ol ice pack to one leg then the other for a little anti-inflammatory fun. Later tonight, I'll get out the rolling pin and work on loosening up those connective tissues that get all bunched up and tight, just as my physical therapist told me to do.

See, I can be taught!


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