30 May 2009

Trying This One on for Size

You've probably noticed, Gentle Reader, a few changes to the blog. I wanted to have these changes ready in time for the blog's one-year anniversary, but I just didn't have the time.

Obviously, the look has changed. I wanted a layout that better spoke to the primary theme of the majority of the posts, which changed from the various transitions in my life to my misadventures in the kitchen, hence the title change as well. While I plan to continue primarily posting about those misadventures, I probably won't stop throwing in posts about my running milestones, crazy shit my kid does, crazy shit that happens to me that doesn't involve food in some way and whatever life throws at me. Really, the tagline of the old theme, "Change is the only constant in the universe," still readily applies to me and mine, and I find I enjoy sharing those constant changes with you, Gentle Reader.

If you hate the changes or love them, let me know. I'm a real amateur when it comes to futzing with templates, and I know I've lost a few widgets or gadgets or whatever they're called, so I'm not really sure if there's still a link for e-mailing me. Or just leave me a comment. Cool? Cool.


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