13 September 2008

200, Baby. 200.

Check it.

If you haven't been paying much attention, Gentle Reader, today I hit the 200-mile landmark for miles run and logged with my Nike+ sportsband since July 28. Not too shabby for a former fat girl, eh?

Happy Anniversary?
The one-year anniversary of my discovering an ability to jog without pain and enjoy it is coming up roughly the second weekend of November. I can't remember if I started on Friday, November 9 or Saturday, November 10. I'm thinking it was Friday because that was the day Dad came home from the hospital after getting his knee replaced.

Anywho, I've been thinking that perhaps for my one-year anniversary, I might take a trip up to Okiemolah so I can run from my home in Bumblefuck (contrary to Wiki, Bumblefuck's P.O. is still operating, thank you very much) to the slightly larger town of Hellholesville. I drove or was driven back and forth betwixt the two damn near every day for years since the sisters and I attended school and our church was (still is) located in Hellholesville, so it somehow seems appropriate that I should mark the one-year anniversary of my running by running the 10 or so miles between the place where I grew up and the place from which I matriculated.

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Of course, the paved route we drove typically has a fair amount of truck traffic, and I don't relish the idea of potentially getting squished by an 18-wheeler. Ten or fifteen years ago, the mom of some kids I went to school with biked this route and never had any major collisions, but....

The other hesitation I have is this: I'd be doing this in November, and while the weather that weekend in 2007 was pretty nice, November weather in Okiemolah can be, well, blah. Grey. Drab. A bit blustery. And I've never really run in any kind of inclement weather (although I'd call temperatures of 100+ inclement weather for running).

Hmmm. What do you think, Gentle Reader? Should I throw caution to the wind and risk life and limb to honor a year of running in this fashion? Or should I just, I dunno, treat myself to another new pair of shoes, stay my arse at home and perhaps hit one of my favorite Indian restaurants?

Yeah, I'm leaning toward the road trip. Stay tuned and find out what I decide!


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