25 September 2008

No, It's Not That You're Too Old

So much for that sneer "If it's too loud, you're too old"! Today's WSJ has a great article about how the new Metallica album and many other recent releases have been engineered to be constantly loud.

I noticed what the husband's termed aural blandness on the band's previous album, but I sort of chalked it up to Lars wanting his drums to be louder and more noticeable. But I guess as part of the engineering process to make the whole production louder, his drums just got all the more noticeable. (Then again, I wouldn't put it past Lars to want his drum work front and center, sort of as a "Take that, James!" after all the years of M. Hetfield's vocal stylings being front and center.)

Anyway, just some food for thought and a reminder to be mindful of your ears, Gentle Reader, when enjoying tunage on your iPod.


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